My portfolio

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 Front page of
By Chris Dilworth
Date: 2021-08-27T00:00
Summary: A static website hand-coded using 11ty and TailwindCSS and hosted on AWS.
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 The top of the front page of
Portfolio: website
By Chris Dilworth
Date: 2021-08-27T00:00
Summary: A static bilingual website comissioned by a popular Montreal-based theatrical Set Designer. It is hand-coded using plain HTML/CSS and hosted on AWS.
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 Front page of m3tə.ca
Portfolio: metə.ca website
By Chris Dilworth
Date: 2021-08-27T00:00
Summary: A static bilingual website comissioned by M3tə. It is hand-coded using Node.js/Express and plain CSS and hosted on AWS. It features animations (GSAP library) and data storage on a Google Sheet.
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 Front page of (edited).
Portfolio: website
By Chris Dilworth
Date: 2021-08-27T00:00
Summary: A static bilingual website comissioned by Montreal's own Talisman Theatre in 2006. It is hand-coded using Node.js/Express and plain CSS and hosted on AWS.
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 About page of
Portfolio: website
By Chris Dilworth
Date: 2021-08-27T00:00
Summary: A static bilingual website comissioned by a Tai Chi instructor on Montreal's South Shore. It is hand-coded using Node.js/Express and TailwindCSS and hosted on AWS. Instructional videos are hosted on YouTube.
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