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By Chris Dilworth
Date: 2021-08-27T00:00
Summary: 07 Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Optio quod repudiandae, aut incidunt alias est labore animi quo corporis tenetur quam culpa, minus, ex illum delectus iure voluptatum eos officia.
More... Welcome

 Front page of
By Chris Dilworth
Date: 2021-08-27T00:00
Summary: A static website hand-coded using 11ty and TailwindCSS and hosted on AWS.
More... Welcome

 The top of the front page of
Portfolio: website
By Chris Dilworth
Date: 2021-08-27T00:00
Summary: A static bilingual website comissioned by a popular Montreal-based theatrical Set Designer. It is hand-coded using plain HTML/CSS and hosted on AWS.
More... Welcome

 Front page of m3tə.ca
Portfolio: metə.ca website
By Chris Dilworth
Date: 2021-08-27T00:00
Summary: A static bilingual website comissioned by M3tə. It is hand-coded using Node.js/Express and plain CSS and hosted on AWS. It features animations (GSAP library) and data storage on a Google Sheet.
More... Welcome

 Front page of (edited).
Portfolio: website
By Chris Dilworth
Date: 2021-08-27T00:00
Summary: A static bilingual website comissioned by Montreal's own Talisman Theatre in 2006. It is hand-coded using Node.js/Express and plain CSS and hosted on AWS.
More... Welcome

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